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National Charity League

National Charity League, (NCL), is a philanthropic organization of mothers and daughters who volunteer millions of 

of hours annually to over 6,000 charities in the United States.  SteerSmart has had over sixty programs for NCL in  ten different states.  During the 2020-21 Covid school year, SteerSmart had over fifty NCL Zoom programs.

We are proud of the reach that SteerSmart's educational initiative has had with NCL's mothers and daughters in middle school and high school.



"Gosh, you were so great today.  Thank you so much for your presentation.  I am going to be thinking about much more when I get behind the wheel now, and I know we all are. I am going to share with my college aged daughter as I know she can learn from SteerSmart and get it on her campus."

Chandler, AZ. Chandler Chapter NCL mother


"I want to thank you immensely for your time with us a couple of weeks ago.  We all learned a lot and appreciate your commitment to making our kids safer drivers.  We are so grateful for your time and definitely do not want it to go unnoticed."

Chandler, AZ. Chandler Chapter GLA


"Thank you so much, Lauren. What a great presentation.  I know we all took away so much."

Tucson, AZ.  Tucson Chapter  GLA



"Thank you for everything.  It was such and informative thought-provocking presentation.  We all truly appreciate your insight and time!!!"

Little Rock, AR.  Little Rock Chapter GLA



"Wow!  What a fabulous hour you spent with us.  It was so informative and important for both the daughters and the moms.  Everyone should hear it!  Your delivery is so straight forward and passionate that it is hard not to truly listen to what you are saying.  It is critical for us all to hear these stories and your program.  I have already received so many positive comments from the group about how great the program was."

Acalanes, CA.  Acalanes Chapter  GLA


"SteerSmart was an engaging and eye-opening seminar.  It was the perfect compliment to the education our young new drivers receive.  The content was invaluable, and I highly recommend you book Lauren and SteerSmart for your next event  high school drivers present."

Carlsbad, CA. Del Sol Chapter GLA


"Both my mom and I thoroughly enjoyed Mrs. Winborne's SteerSmart program.  She had endless valuable information that were not the obvious things that are all told all of the time.  As someone who gets nervous about driving, and with a mother who is equally nervous about her daughter driving, we both walked away from the program feeling more confident and knowledgeable.  Lauren was wonderful and straight to the point, and we found everything she had to say to be very insightful."

Encinitas, CA. Moonlight student*


"I learned so much about the California's highways, and I found it to be so interesting.  It is so much more relevant discussing local challenges.  What great information and eye-opening for both me and my daughter." 

Encinitas, CA.  Moonlight Chapter  mother*


"We LOVED your program last night, and I have recommended it to all the GLA's in our chapter and given them your information.  Thank you SO much."

Encinitas, CA.  Moonlight Chapter  GLA


"Thank you, Lauren.  I'm so glad  we were able to hear you sooner rather than later. The program was so impactful.

I  think a lot of the visuals will be etched in our minds as well."

Fullerton,CA.  Fullerton Chapter  GLA


"The speaker last night was great!  I loved the real stories and her candid, funny personality.  I also loved the way she empowered the girls in her speech to set the bar high."

Los Gatos, CA.  NCL Mother


"Thank you so much for the amazing talk last night!!!  I truly appreciate all that you do and know you saved a life last night!  A huge heartfelt thank you!  xoxo"

Newport, CA.  Newport Chapter  GLA


"It was a great mother-daughter  presentation that opened up a good important discussion for us. It's a tough topic but so important.  I'll never pass another truck on the right again, and I will never exit the freeway at the last minute again.  I'd rather be late than put myself or my passengers at risk."

Palos Verdes, CA.  Palos Verdes Chapter  NCL mothers 


"I just passed your name along to another NCL chapter for next year.  I told them you were magnificent."

Rancho Irvine, CA.  Orange County Chapter  GLA


"You were awesome tonight!  Thank you SO, SO much for helping to make our girls safe on the road.

Your message was also a great reminder for moms like me who have been slack and need to PAY MORE ATTENTION!  The girls were so engaged even with Zoom!  Thank you!"

Riverside, CA.  Riverside Chapter  GLA


"SteerSmart was an engaging and an eye-opening seminar.  It was the perfect compliment to the education of our young drivers . The content was invaluable, and I highly recommend you book Lauren and SteerSmart for your next event with high school drivers."

San Diego/Coronado, CA.  Del Sol Chapter  GLA


"Lauren, thank you so much for your wonderful presentation.  The president of our SD Chapter keeps getting messages from our members saying that you have been the best speaker we have ever had.   I have been driving for forty years, and I never knew the risks I took while passing trucks on the right, never again!"

San Diego/La Jolla, CA.  San Diego/La Jolla Chapter  GLA

"Your program was really educational.  I  liked the background information that was given in the drunk driving cases.  Every time I go out, I now think more clearly about where my phone is and if I'm in the right hd space to drive.  You made the point very clear that driving is a huge responsibility."

San Jose, CA.  San Jose/Los Gatos Chapter  NCL student


"Thank you for presenting today and for spending your Sunday with us!! Part of me is more scared about driving, but part of me realized that you empowered my daughter because of all the knowledge you gave her.  You are saving lives across the country!  Thank you for making a difference in our lives." 

Saratoga, CA.  Heritage Oaks Chapter  GLA (combined program)


"The speaker last night empowered the girls in her speech to set the bar high.  I loved her personality. 

It never hurts to keep drumming that information into our girls as well as reinforcement for us."



"I learned that I always have to be on my A game, and from now on, I will always assume that everyone doesn't know what they are doing, and it will always make me more cautious."



"I've decided that I'm going to be a more attentive passenger. I  also learned that it night not be you that is being unsafe, and I need to be more aware of those around me." 



"I plan on being a more cautious driver when driving on the freeways."



"I will never text and drive after seeing that clip, and I will not be a passenger of a driver who texts and drives.  I liked learning about the safety tips around trucks."



"I've decided that I'm going to be a more attentive passenger.  I also learned that It might not be

you that is being unsafe, and I need to be more aware of those around us."

Saratoga, CA .  Saratoga/Los Gatos Chapter junior


"It was really great!  Thank you so much!  I've heard very positive feedback from the girls and the guardians."

Walnut Creek, CA.  Walnut Creek Chapter  GLA


"Your passion for safe driving is contagious."

Yorba Linda, CA.  Yorba Linda Chapter  NCL student



" I just wanted to thank you for the informative and powerful presentation you gave to our NCL young ladies last month.  I received so many compliments from moms about how real the program was for our daughters and how much we all needed to hear what you had to say.  Your passion was felt by us all."

Fairfield, CT.  Fairfield Chapter  GLA



"I thought you did a FANTASTIC job moving your content into a Zoom format-thanks so much for taking the time to do this for us!  I know it's hard to talk to blank screens, but from an audience perspective, everything was clear, engaging and ran smoothly.  I could tell the girls were paying attention but the quick responses that you got.  Thanks again, so much for a great presentation."

Atlanta, GA.  Buckhead Chapter  GLA


"Thank you so much, Lauren.  I thought the presentation was really fantastic.  It was powerful and definitely left a lasting impression on us all.  I so appreciate your message and am grateful to you for your commitment to educating our daughters!"

Atlanta, GA.  Buckhead Chapter  GLA


"Lauren, thank you for the wonderful program on Tuesday.  Wow!  Talk about informative and impactful!  I will definitely let people know about this program."  

Marietta, GA.  East Cobb Chapter  GLA


"We all really appreciate the time you took to bring such an impactful program to our chapter.  We all send you a HUGE thank you.  You hit all of the important points for our girls, and nothing was left out."

Roswell, GA.  Roswell/ Alpharetta Chapter  GLA



"I know your program was well received.  The delivery was impactful, and you are doing a great job!"

Eden Prairie, Michigan West Lakes Chapter  GLA



"SteerSmart is so different from any other safe driving programs.  It makes me interested in being a better driver for everyone on the roads, and I know my daughter better understands the responsibility of driving a car and being a good passenger.  I'm not sure either had thought of the importance of being a good passenger. "

St. Louis, MO.  Gateway Chapter  GLA


North Carolina

"I thought the content was relevant and had meaning for us all.  Thank you for all you are doing; I love

your passion."

Raleigh, N.C.  Cardinal Chapter  GLA



"Lauren, I can't thank you enough for the most powerful program today.  I can't tell you how impacted we were by the material.  My first words to my daughter were, "I'm sorry I've been such a bad driver.  So many more people need to benefit from this program. "Thank you so much!  "I just wanted to say thank you for speaking today.  The members and the moms loved the presentation.  I know everyone benefitted tremendously from your program.  THANK YOU!"

Boerne, TX.  Fair Oaks Chapter  GLA


"Thank you so much!  I thought it was just great, and somehow you came across way cooler than a mom of six!

I learned things today, and I also relearned!  Now I want my other teenagers to see the program."

Dallas, TX.  Lakewood Chapter  GLA


"Thank you so much, Lauren!  That was amazing-very powerful for the girls and for us moms, too!!!  Have a good night, and I hope to talk with you soon!"

Coppell, TX.  Coppell Chapter  GLA


"I just want to say thank you for speaking today.  The members and the moms loved the presentation.  I know everyone benefitted tremendously from your program."

Ft. Worth, TX.  Ft. Worth Chapter  NCL student leader


"Lauren, thank you so much for the incredible presentation this afternoon.  It's all so difficult to think about, but it's so valuable and so necessary.  Thank you for your time and your energy.  You invested a lot in today's program and consequently, you've invested a lot in our girls."

Ft. Worth, TX.  Trailblazers Chapter GLA


"I thought it was amazing!  I've had many parents already tell me how great it was. A  few moms told me their girls were crying.  Good for them for hearing all of the info!  I want my 19 year old son to hear this in college.  You are the best!  We will spread the word!"

Houston, TX.  Woodlands Chapter GLA


"I love the speaker!  She was really wonderful, and I even learned a lot.  For me, it made me think about passengers including how a passenger can help the driver.  This is so relevant for everyone."

Houston, TX.  Post Oaks Chapter  GLA


"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!  That was so informative, and I know it made a huge impact on all of us!  It was a good refresher for the moms too!!  We all appreciate you and your time!!"

Katy, TX.  Azalea Chapter GLA


"I thought it was very effective and a great reminder of my own bad habits.  I have received multiple texts from different moms about how good the program was, and they want to see it in person after Covid.  Do you have a recorded version?  One of the moms wants to share it with her college kids."

Lake Austin, TX.  Lake Austin Chapter GLA


"Thank you so much for all the time and care you took to make the program both personal and relevant for our girls

and their everyday life.  Your program sparked family conversations on how e can ALL be better, more aware drivers."

North Austin, TX.  GLA
































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©2020 by SteerSmart.

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