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                 The Emery/Weiner School






Athens Academy

Athens Academy

“I’m a fan.   I hope that every administrator and parent will take the leap and have SteerSmart at their school and invest in the lives of their kids.”



“One parent told me that it was the most important presentation she had attended and perhaps the most powerful. I received numerous emails and phone calls regarding the program. The students wanted to talk about it after class.”

Upper School Dean


“After ten years of teaching here and seeing many programs, this was actually the best program as far as the impact that it made on our students.”

Upper School History


“It really related to my life. I realized that I need to slow down and be more cautious.”



“Unlike a lot of our programs, everyone was focused and listening.”



BBYO Dallas

“It meant so much for you to speak to our community, and we feel that the messages you embedded will make a lasting impression on all of our families. Thank you for everything you brought to our community.”

 Program Director


BBYO Denver

“I’m not sure if I have ever seen a room of people that quiet and engaged for any presentation, it was almost two hours.  SteerSmart will benefit students, educators and parents.  The presentation gets to the core of people’s emotions.  I highly encourage bringing it to your community.”

 Program Director


BBYO Houston

“You did a great job.  I felt like you were one of us, in touch with the audience. The turnout was fantastic while the program was very powerful and impactful.”



“I appreciate the real and sincere way the program is delivered. You can feel the passion and dedication.”

 Program Director


BBYO Phoenix

“Your honest program left a strong and longstanding impression on all those in attendance.  It’s an honor to partner with you to save young lives.”

Program Associate


Berkley Preparatory School

“The SteerSmart presentation was well received by our students. Throughout the program, students were engaged and focused on the information, and since then, many students have shared positive feedback concerning it.  Ms. Winborne’s straightforward and honest approach to a difficult, yet extremely important, topic has heightened awareness among our students about safe driving. Many of our students have reported that they have changed their cell phone and driving habits since her visit. Overall, it was a very beneficial program for our Upper Division students.”

11th & 12th Grade Dean


Brandon Hall

"The Steer Smart presentation was very informative and eye opening. I recommend that all upper school students see it and learn the cool tips that were shared.  It was a refreshing presentation for adults too.  If everyone knew the facts, perhaps there would be fewer deaths or life-changing injuries in automobiles.  Knowledge, prevention, and helping others are the greatest gifts that Steer Smart offers.”

President and  Head of School


Brookstone School

“For more than one hour, the students hung on every word and gave a standing ovation at the conclusion of the program.  I have had the benefit of hearing hundreds of presentations throughout the years, and this program and follow-up were both exceptional and effective.”



"The program was not only good for the students, but great for me as a parent.

Honestly, I need to see and hear the stories she shared yearly to remind me of how dangerous it can be when you get behind the wheel-not only drinking and driving and texting and driving were covered but the many other mistakes that we make when driving as well as the mistakes of other drivers on the road."

Junior Parent


Broughton High School

“It was truly one of the most compelling programs we have ever had.  One year later, parents, teachers and students are still talking about this moving program.  The heart wrenching vignettes about teenagers who have died in car crashes, left no one in the audience unmoved.  I can honestly say that my driving behavior has changed, and I know that other students change as well.  I highly recommend the program and have no doubt that it will continue to save lives.”

Chairman PTSA


“Students were shocked to see that a teen driver’s fatal car crash was the result of nothing more than a moment’s distraction.  They saw themselves in the haunting, sobering scenario and were moved, from that moment, to drive with greater care.”

English Teacher


The Canterbury School

“The program was sobering to the young and the old.  It was very real and will stay with the children and me.  Adults need to wake up to the perils of driving as they can be worse than the children.  We were taught to not drink and drive---now we need to learn about phones and other distractions.”

Junior Parent


"I thought the back up plans made a lot to sense.  It's really hard to stand up and single yourself out when everyone is doing something wrong."



Cardinal Gibbons High School

“SteerSmart is a powerful program that delivers sobering and startling visuals that grabs the attention of all students.  Our students are still talking about it today.”

 Upper School Dean


Charlotte Country Day

“The program delivered the important messages regarding safe decisions and the students found the presentation compelling.  It touched on more than the usual destructive driving decisions that involved alcohol and touched on everything involved in operating a car, from seatbelts to changing music, to looking both ways at intersections.  The breadth of the presentation resonated loudly with the students present and the faculty alike.  Our students were still talking about the presentation days later and many were grateful for the message.”

Head of School


Charlotte Latin

“Our entire upper school was engaged and focused during the entire program.  Thank you for coming and speaking to our students and saving lives.”

Upper School Dean


Congregation Etz Chaim

“The passion comes through loud and clear and everyone that drives an automobile should be grateful to the organization for all you are doing.”

Executive Director and COO


Darlington School

“You are a remarkable and extremely knowledgeable speaker, you care deeply about young people and you are committed to saving young lives.  I highly recommend this program and am grateful that our students and parents were able to see and hear this powerful presentation.”

Director of Counseling


Deerfield-Windsor School

"Lauren does an excellent job speaking to students on their level in a very direct manner.  She comes across authentically through use of data and utilizes real life examples that the students can relate

to effectively."



Durham Academy

“Your presentation was VERY well received.  We so appreciated your talk with parents, with the upper school and with our seniors.  I am sure everyone learned a lot.”

Director of Counseling


“Mrs. Winborne was such a great presenter, and the examples she used still stick here, and it has even made a difference in the way I drive.”

Head Athletic Trainer


“Thanks for taking the time to speak with our students and parents.  It was timely and important.”

Upper School Director


“The SteerSmart program is very effective at alerting students and adults about the dangers of driving while distracted.  I really appreciated how honest and blunt she was in her presentation.”

Upper School Math


Edmonds Woodway High School

“The program impacted my students, and I’m certain that lives were saved.”

Health and Wellness


Erie High School

“The students were overwhelmed by the SteerSmart program.  I would highly encourage it to all high school students, not just new drivers.”


The Emery/Weiner School





Frederica Academy

“This was an extraordinary program that was clear and powerful.  Our students were silent, attentive and thoughtful throughout the assembly.  We are grateful, and we have no doubt that the program touched many today, and we expect some good decisions to be made in the future.”

Head of School


“Thank you, Lauren, for speaking to our seniors this morning.  You made such an impact on all of them on so many levels.  We will be having you back for them at the same time every year.”

Upper School Dean


“We all agreed that the SteerSmart assembly was the best program that we had had since we had been in the upper school.  As seniors, we had no idea how much we would learn and that we would really listen.”



Georgetown Visitation

“I highly recommend the SteerSmart program to parents and students.  Winborne did an outstanding job meeting students and parents ‘where they are’.”



Georgia Tech

“What SteerSmart accomplishes in a one- hour program is amazing, and I highly recommend the program.  I’ve seen Georgia Tech students captivated and focused during the program.

We can all learn from SteerSmart.”

Dean of Students


“SteerSmart is a life-saving program that commands and captures audience attention.  The program had a powerful and emotional impact on Georgia Tech students.”

 Director of Research and Assessment for Students


 "The topics that Mrs. Winborne discusses are absolutely  invaluable.  The girls have loved the program because  it's not only informative, but it's also engaging.  We've had multiple SteerSmart programs that have all been very well received.  

The new social media/mental illness material is also a strong addition and much needed considering the pervasive mental health issues on college campuses throughout the country."

ZTA President, Third Year 2018


"The SteerSmart program has been a program that all of the ZTAs have really learned from and enjoyed."

ZTA President, Third Year 2019


"I've seen the SteerSmart program now twice in college. It doesn't seem like college students need driver's education, but we all need it because it's different on lots of levels.
This year, Mrs Winborne started adding material outside of driving. Listening to her talk about social media related to mental health and addiction was so authentic. We all listened intently."

3rd Year ZTA


“It’s an unbelievable program for every student.  Seeing my fraternity brothers go just to get service hours and then afterwards continuing the conversation and thanking me for offering the program was a great feeling. It isn't just a video that you see one time and forget.  SteerSmart saves lives.”

3rd Year KA


“This was different from so many of the programs that we see that just keep saying, ‘Don’t drink and drive and don’t text and drive.’ By our age, we already know that.”

Fourth Year SAE


“I realized that I do a lot of the stuff that she talked about. 

It really helped me become a smarter driver.”

Fourth Year SAE


Glenwood School

“SteerSmart is creative, innovative and extremely informative.  It was clear from the parent program and from the student discussions that the material reached all participants.  I highly recommend the program.”

Assistant Headmaster


Hilton Head Christian Academy

“You spoke from the heart and your delivery was direct and real, and you spoke the truth so the students were affected.  God does work in abundance through people like you----thank you. “



Holy Spirit Prep

"Our seniors were focused and attentive.  Even our teachers were focused on the program and eager to talk with Mrs. Winborne after the program.  We will have SteerSmart again next year."

Upper School Dean


John’s Creek Leadership Program

“SteerSmart is a great program for students as they learn to become attentive drivers.  Learning that they are in an actual weapon driving amidst what they must presume are bad drivers takes real focus.  This concept was definitely something that our students took away from the discussion.”

 Executive Director


“Thank you so much for coming to our classroom today to speak to the seniors.  Your driving tips are really good.  We all learned so much from the experience.”



Leesville Road High School

“Our audience was filled, and I can safely say that the attendance for the program was the largest of any other PTSA program in many years."

PTSA President


Loganville High School

“Not only was I approached by students and faculty afterwards talking about how remarkable it was, but also by students in other grade levels who wanted to know more about the program.  The program generated much needed dialogue, and your passion and enthusiasm are contagious."

 Guidance Counselor


The Lovett School

“The program seems to have a profound impact on a profound effect parents and students.  The students found it extremely powerful.  As they were leaving the assembly, advisors listened to the students discussing seat belts, texting, cell phones and speeding.  Please keep getting the message out to the community.”

 Director of Counseling


"The program you offered was timely, on point, concise and utterly applicable.  It was pitched correctly for students and met them where they were.  I found it well paced and informative."

American History


 "I value this program for instilling a healthy amount of wariness on the part of young drivers." 

English and Journalism


"I've now seen the program in high school and in college, and I can tell you that it is impactful and important in both stages of a driver's life."

Lovett Alumni


"I've taken driver's ed, so I didn't think it was going to be very good.  I actually learned some things."



Marist School

"SteerSmart came to Marist's campus two months ago, and it was very well received.  I think one of my student's feedback captures it best: "I think programs like that are really important. We all get stuck in bad habits, and we need that strong reminder to drive smart."

 Guidance Counselor Director


"The presentation made a lasting impression on us all.  I firmly believe that the moving program touched everyone in the room.  I strongly recommend this program.  Mrs. Winborne is also a pleasure to work with.  She is professional, responsive and accommodating."

 10th Grade Meeting Coordinator


The McCallie School

“What really resonated with our students and faculty, particularly when driving around here, is how aware we have to be of other drivers.  There simply are too many other distracted drivers, for you to be distracted as well.  Even I drive differently now.”

Dean of Resident Life


Metro Academic Studies

“I no longer pass trucks on the right, and I’m also more aware of my driving in the rain.  I’m thankful that my wife and daughters were able to attend the program because we can all learn from it.  I appreciate the frankness and passion of the program.”



Milton High School

"The SteerSmart program is helpful in reinforcing what young drivers are being taught at home and in drivers education programs with regards to safe driving practices."

Athletic Director


Montgomery Academy

“You are blessed with a special gift of being able to connect with parents and students alike.  All were captivated.  You helped reinforce that life is fragile, and it can be critically changed in a second with one bad decision.  I predict that you saved a life if not many while you were here.”

President, Parents of the Academy


Montgomery Academy

“We have received many positive comments from the parents, teachers and students.  The program has left a lasting impact on those in attendance, and we sincerely hope that the message will continue to spread.  It is a pleasure to recommend this program. “

Vice Principal


Mt. De Sales Catholic School

“I left the SteerSmart program having learned something myself after driving for over 20 years!  I highly recommend it to anyone looking to educate students on safe driving, and I hope my children will have the opportunity to hear this important program.”

Upper School Counselor


Mt. Vernon Presbyterian School

“SteerSmart has a clear and powerful message for all of us.  It is well worth our time.  Winborne does a fabulous job of getting us to look in the mirror and be honest with ourselves.  There is so much we can learn here, and we do have the power to change our behavior and create a safe environment.”

Director of Upper School Counseling


Myres Park High School

“I didn’t realize that I would be learning as much from SteerSmart as my child.  This is one of the most compelling programs I have ever seen, and its’ NOT just for young/new drivers.  Everyone who drives a car should see this program, everyone.”

Parent Coordinator


Nanesmond-Suffolk Academy

“I still hear feedback from our students and teachers about your program, and I think about some of the points you made constantly.  The SteerSmart program is a must-see for any school; there is nothing more important to impart to high schoolers than good decisions.”

 Dean of Students


“Winborne made a very impactful presentation for our students, which left them speechless and knowledgeable about the lifetime consequences of making poor decisions while driving.  She is impacting the lives of young students every day in such a positive manner.”

Head of School


North Atlanta High School

“My tenth grade classes paid close attention to the SteerSmart program, and when my son attended the program for seniors he came home and told me how good it was.”

Head Basketball Coach


Northridge Academy

“SteerSmart was excellent.  Each grade at Northridge, (approximately 300 in each assembly), was very attentive and engaged.  I got a lot of very positive feedback form our students.  My son is a freshman and was really impacted by the presentation.  He also starts driving this week!  I had him tell my wife and daughter about the program over dinner and was really impressed with everything he had to say, (and the fact that he remembered everything that was presented.)”



“I learned about being a smart passenger.  It’s not only about being the driver of a car and it’s not only about what I do as a driver.  Adults make mistakes.”



“I had never really thought about how serious being on your phone and driving could be.  I also learned about chewing ice when I’m tired.”



Northside Student Ministries

“Your knowledge and passion of the subject was invaluable.  Your program hit so close to home because it was practical.  After listening, we will all make better, wiser decisions behind the wheel and as well as when we are in the passenger seat.”

Student Advisor/Counselor


Oconee County High School

“The SteerSmart program was great for our 9th and 12th grade students.  There is nothing more important than providing real-world information to promote the well-being and safety of our students.”

Asst. Principal/Athletic Director


“We haven’t had a senior program that has ever been that good.  Everyone was listening and attentive.”

Senior - Student Body President


“The material and the delivery were both so strong that everyone was listening, and we are all so thankful.”



Ole Miss

“It wasn’t scripted; it was like she was talking to a friend.”

Junior Chi O


“I really did learn a lot.  I’m not just saying that.”

Sophomore Chi O


Our Lady of Mercy

“I sincerely offer a word of thanks and appreciation.  The entire high school was captivated and silent.”

 Director of Guidance


Pace Academy

“This year we had almost 300 new people listening, learning, understanding and absorbing your message.  Thank you for your dedication to this important cause. You remember being a kid; it is clear in how you speak. Your mediums are immediate and durable. We look forward to continuing our relationship with you.”



Peninsula Catholic

“We’ve had other programs that have been about driving, but they didn’t compare to this one.  We were treated so differently, and she related to us as students and people.”



“I will change things about how I drive. 

This wasn’t like any driving program that we’ve had ever before.”



Plant High School

“I actually learned from the program and found myself thinking about it when I was driving home.  I was really impressed with the program and seeing the students so attentive was impressive as well.”

Assistant Principal


“SteerSmart is 3-D!”

Police Officer on Duty


“We see a lot of driving programs, like before prom and stuff, but this one was actually really good.  A lot of the kids were surprised at the candor of the speaker and how good it was.”



“This program was a lot more real than other driving programs that we have seen.  It spoke to more than just the kids that drink and party.”



Riverwood High School

“Our students were completely engaged during the entire presentation.  This is not a program simply for new drivers; we all learned from SteerSmart.”

Events Coordinator


Road Safe America

“I had the pleasure of hearing and watching the presentation. A room filled with typical teenagers became silent and aware as a very personal storied, strong multi-media and frank language taught the kids the potential dangers of our roads.  No tip-toeing around the tough subjects. The high school students heard a wise voice speaking their language.  It was very powerful.”

Executive Director


Rye Country Day School

“The parents’ response has been wonderful, with so much positive feedback coming my way about style, content and message.  In addition, they have reported that the program has lead to talks at home, in the car and at the dinner table. You have done our community a great service. A student organization has commandeered an easel and each day they put driving tips in the hallway.  Most assemblies come and go, but you would be proud to know that your message has remained with us and continues to affect us in a

positive way."

Upper School Humanities


 Springside Chestnut School

“This program is for all drivers and passengers.  Our parents and student body wereimpacted by the SteerSmart program, aneven I was influenced.  I am now far moreaware of trucks and never pass them on the right side.”

Interim Head--Dean of Faculty


St. Anne’s – Belfield School

"I think this program is important to people my age as seniors, because we are at the point of being comfortable in a car and it draws us back into reality.  

I definitely like the aspect of including real stories because this happens to anyone and

it is reality, and it's not just people doing illegal activities."



"I liked the way she focused on real stories and experiences and not just statistics."



"The social media segment was really enlightening because we have a tendency to think that what we see is reflective of everyone's lives.  She striped that back and showed us how fake it can be."



“Your SteerSmart sessions received great feedback because you shared your expertise in a fun and interactive way.”

High School Counselor


St. Anne-Pacelli Catholic School

“We’ve had the SteerSmart program here twice now, and there are a lot of things that I like about it.  It’s fast paced, and you never get bored.  The material and the delivery maintain the student’s attention the entire time.  Its current, the music is good, the interviews are strong, and its interactive.”

Upper School History


“I think that the students planned on being bored, and they weren’t.  Since most of the students were seniors, they didn’t expect the program to relate to them.  It’s not just a bunch of numbers and statistics.  The program is real, and the speaker keeps the attention of the audience the entire time.”

Upper School Mathematics


St. Pius X

“You shared cold hard facts and effectively conveyed the tremendous emotional loss suffered by friends, family and communities.  We are blessed to have you visit our community.”



“My daughter walked in from school talking about the program—it made a lasting impression.”

Junior Parent


Stratford Academy

“Let it be said that our expectations for this program were far exceeded.  Our students were enthralled by the message and the delivery of this program.  You were not defensive, apologetic or elusive in delivering information.  You were on point in a straightforward way to promote safe driving and good decisions.  The message was simple enough to grasp, yet complex enough to be credible. The students knew you cared. Interestingly, many students, faculty and administration took time to call or email offering praise and gratitude for the program.  The program was life changing.”

 Director of Guidance


The SteerSmart program grabs students’ attention in a way that is different from most programs of its type. The SteerSmart approach is both no-nonsense and personable. It raises awareness of dangers beyond drinking and driving, and it is delivered in a way that direct but not preachy.”

 Upper School Assistant Principal / Mathematics


“The speaker did a really good job of treating us as adults and not just giving us a story that didn’t seem real.  This wasn’t like any other program we’ve ever had.  It was real and graphic when it needed to be, and we all knew it was honest.”



The Tower Hill School

“We saw the program three months ago, and students last week were telling me how they drove differently around trucks and how effective the program was.”

Head of Upper School




University of Alabama

“You are really saving lives wherever you go.”

Dean of Students


“This program is one of the most eye-opening programs around.  SteerSmart does a tremendous job of including a set of real-life circumstances that you can’t help but pay attention to.   However, more importantly, there are solutions offered.”

                         Senior - Teaching Assistant         


University of Georgia

“It’s obviously made me a safer driver, but I’m also now very aware of what others do around me. I feel so much better about our team and especially our younger drivers.  I think everyone is a lot safer now that we’ve had the SteerSmart program.”

Senior, Co-Captain - Men’s Golf Team


“I just had no idea about so many of the little things that are important.  It’s changed a lot of things about how I drive.”

Senior, Co-Captain - Men’s Golf Team


The University of Texas Medical School

"I ask you to record the game and experience the valuable program for yourself.  it is not the usual "Don't Drink and Drive, Don't Text and Drive" lecture."

Level 3 Trauma Center


University of Virginia

“There are so many things that you can do when you are in the car as a driver or as a passenger that take no time that can make you avoid a bad situation.”

Fourth Year - Kappa Sigma


“It’s really impactful.  We are all driving down to Mardi Gras next week, and I’m so glad we had this program before that trip.  It’s so much more than just texting and driving.  I’m more aware of the people around me, being a passenger and trucks.  It’s really an incredibly impactful program. 

I’m really thankful for SteerSmart.”

Fourth Year - Kappa Sigma


“I think my biggest take away from the SteerSmart program is that

she hits the points that no one else talks about like trucks.  Everyone thinks it’s always drinking and driving, but she makes you aware of so much more.”

Second Year - Kappa Sigma


"I've talked with the guys who were at the program tonight, and the feedback has been really positive.  The material and the delivery is strong and important for everyone."

Third year - Phi Delta Theta   President


Washington and Lee University

"I'm really glad that you were here.  I think everyone in the room got something out of it. I think you should come back in the fall for orientation so you can reach all of the sororities and fraternities."

Senior - Chi Psi President


"I'd like SteerSmart to be in my high school.  I thought I was pretty invincible driving around Dallas.  I learned some things that I needed to learn tonight."  

Sophomore - Chi Psi


"I learned that it's important to be an active passenger."   

"I learned about trucks on the highway."  

"I learned that the fatalities in car crashes aren't all drinking and driving."

The Weber School

“SteerSmart is extremely effective and informative, and all driving age students can benefit from it.  Even adults can learn a thing or two.”



“I know that it’s my responsibility to do something about a driver that isn’t driving well.  If I’m a passenger I have to be the one to do something.”



The Wesleyan School

“Our students find the program valuable and are actively engaged and involved in the discussion.  The program is honest and realistic.  It addresses topics centered around driving that we don’t think about as well as the obvious.”

 Director of Counseling


The Westminster Schools

"SteerSmart is powerful and effective for new drivers and experienced drivers as well.  

It engages students through skilled weaving of relatable stories in an empowering way.  

Many students are almost numb to crashes that involve distracted driving or substance abuse.  SteerSmart  emphasizes practices outside of these factors and focuses on specific behavioral interventions that students can implement every time they get in the car as a driver or as a passenger.  This program has undoubtedly saved lives!"

Upper School Counselor



“The program hits home with parents and students.  It really resonates.”



“Before SteerSmart I wasn’t really aware of other causes of car crashes besides texting and drinking.  When I’m really tired, I now know to chew ice.  I’ve become far more careful as a driver and a passenger, and I’m very thankful.”



“Before SteerSmart I wasn’t really focused on how dangerous driving can be.   We have all changed how we drive.”



“All of us were wondering why we were having a driving program as seniors.  After the program we all talked about how SteerSmart was one of the best programs we’ve ever had.  We were pretty reckless and now we are all better and smarter drivers.”



Whitefield Academy

“I have received many comments from my students and parents about the importance of what you shared and the impact it made in their lives.  Your willingness to discuss sensitive and painful tragedies as well as constructive tools to help out students with the hope of saving lives can’t be measured. I wish you blessings as you continue to serve the community.”

Upper School Principal


Woodward Academy

"I am recommending the most powerful assembly program I have encountered in my fifteen years as an educator.  It is exceptional."

Dean of Students 


"Again, thank you for speaking last week to our seniors.  As you saw at the end, it was well received.  I met with my class of seniors afterwards, and they thought it was a great program, and they are excited to hear that you will be back in April."

Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Life


"Thank you so much for coming today.  I didn't think it would be very good, but it was, and a lot of the seniors were saying the same thing."



"Mrs. Winborne, I always love it when you come and talk to us about anything.  

Today was so good for everyone. Thanks."



"My mom and dad text all of the time, so this program would be good for them.  Thank you."



Young Men's Service League  (YMSL)

"You did a great job.  It was very impactful-thank you.  

Dallas Parent Leader



The Emery/Weiner School

"I ask you to record the game and experience the valuable program for yourself.  It is not the usual, 'Don't Drink and Drive and  Don't Text and Drive' lecture."

 Doctor Level 3 Trauma Center

Berkley Prep.
BBYO Dallas
BBYO Denver
BBYO Houston
BBYO Phoenix
Brookstone School
Broughton High School
Cardinal Gibbons
Country Day
Etz Chaim
Edmonds Woodway
Georgia Tech
Georgetown Visitation
Hilton Head Christian
Leesville Road High School
Metro Academic Studies
The Montgomery Academy
Montgomery High School
Mt. De Sales
Mt. Vernon Presbyterian
Myers Park
Nanesmond-Suffold Academy
Northridge High School
Northside Student Ministries
Ole Miss
Our Lady of Mercy
Oconee County High
Plant High School
Road Safe America
Rye Country Day School
Springside Chestnut School
St. Anne's-Belfield School
St. Pius
Stratford Academy
TheTower Hill School
Charlotte Latin
Durham Academy
North Atlanta
Peninsula Catholic
University of Alabama
University of GA
Brandon Hall
Holy Spirit
John's Creek Leadership
St. Anne-Pacelli
UT Medical School
The Weber School
Deerfied-Windsor School
Milton High School
Washington and Lee University
Young Men's Service League

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©2020 by SteerSmart.

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